Zu sehen ist eine Detailansicht des Werks von Pipilotti Rist, bestehend aus einem Glastisch mit einer Hundefigur, einem grünen Fläschchen, Gläsern usw.
© Pipilotti Rist, Courtesy the artist, Hauser & Wirth and Luhring Augustine / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

Third Skin

The exhibition “Third Skin” at OP ENHEIM picks up on a statement by Erika Hoffmann, who once described clothing as a second skin and her collection, with which she has lived since the 1960s, as her “third skin”.

  • DATES 17/09/2023—14/01/2024


Like the title, the exhibition is inspired by the principles of the presentation mode in the collectors room in Berlin and focuses on the dialogue that arises between certain works in the intimacy of the once private rooms of OP ENHEIM.
Under the theme of border, the works do not focus on the German-Polish border in particular, or on geographical and political borders in general. Rather, the focus is on interpersonal borders on the one hand and artistic borders on the other, on blurring borders, crossing borders, overcoming borders and - perhaps the most striking feature - negotiating borders.

Zu sehen ist eine Bombenhülle, die zu einem Cello umgebaut, für Performances genutzt wurde.
© Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Courtesy of Charlotte Moorman Archive, Charles Deering McCormick Library of Special Collections, Northwestern University Libraries, Foto: Jerzy Wypych
Two Bomb Cellos (Performance Bombs for John Cage's 26’1.1499” for A String Player) Exhibition view in OP ENHEIM Wrocław

Die Grenzen

The boundaries between painting and sculpture, painting and photography, sculpture and performance, surface and space, the audible and the visible are addressed, overlapped or dissolved by many of the artworks. Characteristic of Sammlung Hoffmann, this is repeatedly linked to artistic negotiations on the conditions and boundaries of the human body, its social classifications and imprints, gendered role assignments and the loud or quiet, noticed or unnoticed escapes from these assignments.


Zu sehen ist ein Glastisch mit einem Fläschen und einer Spielzeugfigur, das Werk Stammt von Pipilotti Rist
© Pipilotti Rist, Courtesy the artist, Hauser & Wirth and Luhring Augustine / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich, Foto: Jerzy Wypych
Emily, I'm Gonna Write Your Name High on the Silverscreen (#IN 96/02) Exhibition view in OP ENHEIM Wrocław



The exhibition is a cooperation between the Fundacja OP ENHEIM and the Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden.


Further Exhibitions

Grünes Gewölbe

in Residenzschloss

26/08/2023 —17/09/2023

Solange ich kann

Bad Muskau, Neues Schloss

In der Videoarbeit versucht ein Künstler versucht zu zeichnen, während es unentwegt über ihn hinabregnet.


in Zwinger

Teekanne aus Porzellan
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