Zu sehen ist ein rustikaler Raum mit einer Rauminstallation von A K Dolven
© A K Dolven studio, VG-Bild-Kunst Bonn; Photo: Ludwig Kupfer

As long as I can

Eine Ausstellung im Rahmen des Lausitz Festival 2023

Artistic freedom and the scope of what artistic expression can entail expanded greatly in the course of the twentieth century, promising an infinite variety of possibilities. 

  • Exhibition Site Bad Muskau, Neues Schloss
  • DATES 26/08/2023—17/09/2023

Für Künstler*innen

Most artists of the period do not seem to have found this freedom threatening or provocative. Instead, they saw the tension between freedom and self-imposed limitation as an opportunity to be embraced as part of the creative process. Numerous twentieth century artists and scholars explored the nature of artistic expression and the types of authority to which it might or might not be subject. 

In der Videoarbeit versucht ein Künstler versucht zu zeichnen, während es unentwegt über ihn hinabregnet.
© Sammlung Hoffmann, Berlin; Estate of Marcel Broodthaers
Marcel Broodthaers, La Pluie (Projet pour un texte), 1969

Über die Befragung

With a mixture of irony, impudence, and enthusiasm, the artworks created in this atmosphere celebrated this newfound freedom and tested the limits of what can be considered art. This exhibition shows contemporary examples of the ways in which artists make use of the enormous freedoms available to them. Examining and questioning their own artistic motivations, they strive, directly or indirectly, to make the power structures of economic and social systems visible. 

Zu sehen ist eine an BDSM-Ästhetik angelehnte Schaukel von Monica Bonvicini, im Hintergrund ist u.a. ein dreiteiliges Werk von Anja Kaiser zu sehen.
© Monica Bonvicini and VG-Bildkunst, Bonn; Foto: Ludwig Kupfer
Monica Bonvicini, Pavilion, 2002 Exhibition view "As long as I can" as part of the Lausitz Festival 20/08/2023—17/09/2023 in Kavalierhaus, Neues Schloss Bad Muskau


Im Brandenburgischen

The installation "Falten for Percussion" by artist William Engelen can be seen at the Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst in Cottbus. As part of a concert, his scores filled the impressive hall of the imposing former diesel power plant with an interplay of rules, notation and coincidence.

Eine Ausstellung

An exhibition in cooperation with the Kunstfonds of the Free State of Saxony, the Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden, the Sammlung Hoffmann Berlin, and the Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für moderne Kunst and the Stiftung Fürst-Pückler-Park Bad Muskau.


Further Exhibitions

Grünes Gewölbe

in Residenzschloss

17/09/2023 —14/01/2024

Third Skin

OP ENHEIM Breslau/Wrocław

Eine angeritzte und überarbeitete Farbfotografie des Fotokünstlers Araki.


in Zwinger

Teekanne aus Porzellan
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