A multifaceted look at the art of the last fifty years

© Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH


The Hoffmann Collection has been a valuable addition to the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden catalogue since its donation in 2018. Including the works by Jean Michel Basquiat, Miriam Cahn, Isa Genzken, Félix González-Torres, Antony Gormley, Keith Haring, Rebecca Horn, William Kentridge, Julie Mehretu, Barbara Kruger, Ron Mueck, Bruce Nauman, Ernesto Neto, A. R. Penck, Sigmar Polke, Frank Stella, Chiharu Shiota, Wolfgang Tillmans and Cy Twombly, among others, the collection is one of the most important donations in SKD’s recent history.

Exhibition of the Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann at the Residenzschloss

Kunstkammer Gegenwart II

Contemporary art at the Dresden Palace

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© Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Klemens Renner


Vertreten sind

Following five years of successful collaboration with the SKD and vibrant exhibition activity, substantial portions of the Hoffmann Collection, which have resided in Berlin-Mitte’s Sophie-Gips-Höfe since 1997, are now being relocated to the Kunstkammer Gegenwart. This newly built exhibition area, which is located in what was previously the Fürstengalerie of the Dresden Residenzschloss (Royal Palace), will focus on works that provide a harmonious addition to the SKD collections and can be integrated into them in a particularly enriching way.


Es entspricht

Erika Hoffmann’s wish is that her donation should not be presented as a closed collection in a fixed location but should be integrated into the SKD museum network and shown throughout Saxony. In addition to having its own exhibitions and being integrated into special exhibitions, an explicit intention behind the donation was to promote the dialogue between contemporary art and museums’ historical collections.

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